
Organisation SSO Registration

Please visit the LIMOSS SSO Homepage and complete both the Business and Technical On-boarding guides before registering.

If your company is registered for LIMOSS SSO but you don’t have an account, complete the LIMOSS user registration page.

Please complete all fields marked *

Details of the person completing form

Details of the organisation registering for LIMOSS SSO

Please select one of the options below

Please select one of the options below

Details of an Authorised Signatory who can sign legal agreements on behalf of your organisation.

Please provide details of your Authorised Signatory. The legal agreements will be provided to this person.

Please inform this person that they will receive an email via DocuSign regarding LIMOSS SSO.

Details of LIMOSS SSO Authorised Contacts

Please provide details of your nominated Authorised Contact(s) for LIMOSS SSO.
You must nominate at least one Authorised Contact and can nominate up to four on this form.
Once your onboarding is complete, you can amend your list of Authorised Contacts and increase the number further if required.

LIMOSS SSO Approved Domains

Please list all user domains approved by your organisation.

E.g.;; etc.

For each domain, please confirm if the domain is owned and managed by your organisation, or if it belongs to a third party organisation.

As a minimum, please enter domains of the Authorised Contact(s) nominated above

Domain 1 *
Is the domain owned and managed by your organisation? *

Email Suppression

Does your organisation have a managed Azure presence?*

Secure Data Exchange (SDE)

Additional Information

Please provide the following information to complete your registration request


What happens next? The LIMOSS Service Desk will process your request to register your organisation for LIMOSS SSO.

As part of our KYC checks, you will receive an email from the LIMOSS Service Desk. Please reply to the email as your application cannot be progressed without yoru response.

Please make your nominated Authorised Signatory aware that an Agreement for LIMOSS SSO will be sent to them shortly. We cannot process your application until this document has been signed and returned.

Unless you have chosen to suppress emails, please advise all your nominated Authorised Contacts that they will receive an email from Ask them to check their spam folder if not received. We strongly advise recipients check the email is from before opening the email. Each user must complete the instructions in the email to activate their LIMOSS SSO account.