
Who governs DDM

Who governs DDM


The governance of DDM has been designed to involve market participants in the development and running of the platform.

The governance in DDM is outlined on this page.

DDM Steering Group

This is the decision-making group to prioritise the ongoing development of DDM. The DDM Steering Group is chaired by a senior market participant and has representation from insurers, brokers, LIMOSS, Lloyd’s, market associations and the supplier (Charles Taylor InsureTech).

DDM User Group

DDM Elective will be supported by a new Charles Taylor DDM User Group – CTUG

This will be chaired by a member of the Elective Cohort (Chair TBC) and managed by CTI

It will meet every two months and cover the following topics:

  • Service Update
  • CTI Roadmap Update
  • Entry point for any Elective change
  • Forum to allow attendees (Full Elective Members) to raise any queries or concerns
  • AOB