
How to access the DDM service

How to access the DDM service

We've outlined the key steps on how you get access to the DDM service, Tide.

Complete the registration form

To begin the onboarding journey fill in the DDM registration form.

Legal agreements

Sign up to the legal agreements, please note: the individual who signs the legal documents must be authorised to sign on behalf of your Organisation (this is your Organisations responsibility).

These agreements will be emailed to you by the LIMOSS Service Desk.

LIMOSS Single-Sign On (SSO)

As part of your DDM on-boarding, you will be registered for LIMOSS SSO – if your organisation isn’t already using it.

LIMOSS SSO enables users to access market solutions through a single username and password and is a pre-requisite for accessing DDM.

You can find out more information about what LIMOSS SSO involves and how your organisation can get ready to use it on our LIMOSS SSO page.

Get access and start using DDM

After completion of these steps you should have access to the DDM service, Tide. If you require help in this process visit our Contact DDM page.