
CDR Treaty Consultation

Consultation on changes proposed to the CDR to enable Treaty

This consultation is being undertaken on behalf of the London Market Group (LMG) Data Council.  The purpose of this consultation is to ensure that Treaty specialists have an opportunity to validate a series of changes proposed to the Core Data Record (CDR) to accommodate Treaty business.

The ask
Participants are requested to review and evaluate the proposed changes and to complete and return their feedback on the  Feedback Form to by 14 February 2025.

Contacting us about the consultation
If you have any questions on the consultation or the webinar, please contact the team on:

The changes proposed
The current scope of the CDR is open market insurance and facultative reinsurance.  Changes to enable the CDR for Treaty have been proposed by a cross-market Working Group of Treaty experts run by the LMG Data Council including market associations, brokers, carriers, and service vendors.  The Introductory Pack - click here contains details of the changes proposed.

These changes have been proposed based on information available as of October 2024 and are drafts for review only. We are currently only seeking opinions on the proposed CDR fields for Treaty. A date for usage will be published following review of the consultation feedback.

Timelines of the consultation
At the request of market participants, the LMG’s Data Council has extended the final deadline for submissions to the Treaty CDR consultation.  During a busy renewal season, the Data Council recognises competing demands on many peoples’ time; and as a result, the final deadline for consultation submissions has been extended from 9th December to 14th February 2025.

Further details of the existing CDR
Further details of the Core Data Record can be found on the LIMOSS Market Business Glossary and Core Data Record - Lloyd's (

Consultation Materials

Please read the introductory pack first before familiarising yourself with the consultation questions and the supporting material below.

Introductory Pack - click here
This pack provides the background to the consultation and a high level view of the fields being consulted on.

Treaty consultation feedback form - click here
This spreadsheet details the instructions on how to provide feedback as well as the detailed data items that are to be reviewed.