LIMOSS API Gateway is an optional product for organisations using LIMOSS SSO. The gateway provides an easy and secure method for integrating market services and third party applications with a market firm’s own IT systems. It uses Application Programme Interfaces (APIs) - a technology layer trusted across the IT industry – to allow firms to quickly and efficiently adopt new solutions.
Market Firms
- Allows in-house systems and shared Market Services to interact without expensive and time-consuming integration
- Better use of company resource to add value for clients
End User
- Less re-keying required
- Seamless user experience between in-house and external systems
- LIMOSS SSO is free to Brokers, Coverholders, TPAs and Vendors
- All Carriers are charged under the LIMOSS ‘User Pays’ model
- Third party providers may charge for services offered via the LIMOSS API Gateway
Learn More
User Guides
- No end user guides are provided as end users will benefit from API integration seamlessly, without the need for additional training or user guides.
Information for managers
- LIMOSS API Gateway is an optional add-on service for any organisation using LIMOSS SSO. This includes brokers, carriers, managing agents, coverholders, IT vendors and other organisations within the London Market
- The gateway will be of most interest to an organisation’s IT team or IT vendors, who can use it to deliver data integration solutions for end-users
- Additional commercial agreements may apply to anyone publishing or subscribing to an API via the LIMOSS API Gateway
- LIMOSS is not responsible for third party APIs
Developer resources
- Developers can both publish their own APIs via the LIMOSS API Gateway and subscribe to existing APIs published by LIMOSS or third parties
- A great starting point is Subscribe to an API and List of available APIs and the LIMOSS API Gateway – 3-minute overview
- LIMOSS Service Desk are available to discuss the needs of individual firms
- When using a “Native application” (a non-web based application) in the LIMOSS API Gateway, all user accounts must be created in a managed Azure Active Directory
- Organisations using the LIMOSS API Gateway must provide an X.509 SSL Certificate for each environment, from an approved Microsoft Certificate Authority* A certificate used in the SANDBOX or PRE-PROD environments cannot be re-used in the PRODUCTION Environment. Wildcard and self-signed certificates cannot be used and we advise against using SAN certificates (If used, they can be used for one path only.)
- Organisations that have not registered for LIMOSS SSO, should see the ‘Registration’ section of the LIMOSS SSO page as LIMOSS SSO provides the essential authentication for accounts using the API Gateway
- Organisations already using LIMOSS SSO can Subscribe to APIs by using the "Subscribe to APIs" option in the LIMOSS Self-Service Portal
- API integration must be completed in the SANDBOX and PRE-PROD environments before being approved for PROD (Live) use.
Please note
LIMOSS is not responsible for external links. All documentation is being reviewed to ensure consistency with other LIMOSS products and is subject to change. Commercial agreements refer to LIMOSS SSO – along with LIMOSS SDE and LIMOSS API Gateway – under the term “Common Services”.